
Yup. We were robbed yesterday. Someone forced the back door open, took some electronics and jewelry, rifled through my closet and office, and made off with, among other things, a necklace given to me by my grandmother and one by my mother. Also, my camera, that I had waited so long to finally get. But you know what? There are far worse things than being robbed. No one was home. My pets were unharmed.

Yes, I’m angry. I’m freaked out and feeling exposed in my own home. We now have to spend time and money to do what we can to make the house more secure. New doors and locks and such are not in the budget. I’m not sure how much insurance will pay for the stolen items although I imagine I’ll be able to cover much of the losses.  But as much as that all sucks, it probably sucks more to be the person/people who broke into my house. There are lots of reasons why people steal, but I’d venture to say that pretty much all of those reasons stem from the fact that the thief got beaten up pretty badly by life. Being a thief usually doesn’t appeal to happy, prosperous, well-adjusted people. So while it is hard to resist imagining myself apprehending the miscreants using amazing ninja moves (ha! what an imagination), I try instead to think of what it would take to have a society where people didn’t feel compelled to steal from or harm each other. That is much harder to imagine than me kicking criminal butt, and much more urgently needed.

I’m having a hard time verbalizing this, but I hope that whoever did this gets a chance to get their life back on track.

Tasty RAW Art

I last posted to this blog very early on Saturday morning, and now I am writing fairly late at night after the Ravenswood Art Walk is over. I am exhausted and happy. All I can say is, it was a wonderful event and I definitely want to do this one again next year. There was a great crowd, amazing artists, music and yummy food. I was able to take a good look at the other vendors in the big main tent. I do wish I’d had a chance to walk through some of the artists’ studios in the neighborhood. There are some wonderful artists’ work spaces nearby and I want to see more of them.  Over the next several posts I’ll be showcasing some of the different artists I met including pictures of their work, but I’m way too beat to delve into that tonight! I will, however, leave you with a bunch of photos in my flickr stream so you can get a peek at the visual feast from this weekend. If you are in the Chicago area, plan on visiting RAW next year, it is well worth it to take an afternoon stroll through the art spaces of Ravenswood.

Our display

This the booth I shared with Rose Bachi from 13 Moons Designs

RAW big tent

Canon EOS Rebel T3i!

This gallery contains 10 photos.

So I finally, after years of deliberation, I broke down and got a digital SLR camera. I’m in love! It has been SO long since I’ve immersed myself in photography and it feels like I just came home. The camera just fits right in my hands. I have to relearn everything, but I still love […]