The Very Rough Draft

hornets nest

hornets nest

What shall I write?

I have not blogged in a while.

I’ll start a post, I’ll kvetch in style.

I can’t think of a topic, but I know if I start,

If I just keep on typing, soon it will be art!

Half a day later, I’m sitting in bed, cruising on Facebook, to see what friends said.

Oh no! Oh crap! Can it be true? I published that draft? And tweeted it too?

When did that happen? What did I do? When I thought I was saving….I sent it on through!

Quick! Hit delete! I wonder who read

that part of a post that I’d rather not send.

What to do now, should I try and complete it, update the post the way I really mean it?

Should I just ignore it, and hope for the best? Hide my embarrassment, try not to get stressed?

Or just write a poem to remind all of you

That when you are blogging, before you are through

Be Extra Careful to save but not publish

those very rough drafts that are pretty much rubbish.

Everyone Has One Good Story in Them…


Doodle on Manila Folder + PicsArt

Geek Love. Photoshop 7. Cartoon Character Mermaid Punch. I’ve got at least one good story in me, one great unforgettable female character. She takes center stage like an explosion, like a blazing fireball, glowing like St. Elmo’s fire only far more destructive. She’s worth staying up all night with no sleep and goddamn any work that needs to happen the next day, because letting her run loose in my imagination one more time is worthy work in and of itself.

Get me into the writer’s club! I can’t draw anymore, not unless there are words attached.

I need words like I need flowers and fresh sage leaves. I need poetry. I need to be a bard.

I need to be heard.